Upcoming Events March 2015
Tamualipas - MEXICO
Date: February 16 - March 16, 2015
Exhibition: "Collapsing New Buildings" by Pınar Öğrenci, installation artist and writer, at the Biennial of the Frontiers
Place: In the State of Tamaulipas and other locations in Mexico
Pınar Öğrenci is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: March 5, 2015, 3:00pm
TCF - YESAM Lecture: "Multicultural Istanbul Cuisine" by İlhan Eksen, writer & food culture researcher
Place: TCF Culinary Arts Center - YESAM
Information: http://www.yemeksanatlari.org/en/upcoming-events.htm
Lecture will be presented in Turkish.

Houston, TX - USA
Date: March 7, 2015, 8:00am - 3:00pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” Global Perspectives for Educators with Houston Consul General Ferhat Alkan and Dr. Fırat Demir.
Place: The Federal Reserve Bank Building, Houston
Information: http://www.wachouston.org/assnfe/ev.asp?ID=494&SnID=
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Las Vegas, NV - USA
Date: March 7, 2015, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” featuring Dr. William Clayson, Dr. Meral Keskintepe, Dr. Linda Miller and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years.
Place: Clark High School, Las Vegas
Information:  http://www.waclv.org/upcoming-events.html
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Santa Fe, NM - USA
Date: March 7, 2015, 8:30am - 2:30pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” with Dr. John Dobson and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years. The SFCC culinary institute will provide an authentic Turkish luncheon.
Place: Santa Fe Community College
Information: https://www.sfcir.org/events/featured-events/workshop-on-turkey-introduces-sixth-teacher-tour-in-2015
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Reno, NV - USA
Date: March 7, 2015 8:45am - 3:30pm
Event: "Teacher Workshop on Turkey" with Turkey experts and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years.
Place: The Joe Crowley Student Union, University of Nevada, Reno
Information:  http://www.unr.edu/nnic/programs/spotlight-on-turkey
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the "Spotlight on Turkey" national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America

Seattle, WA - USA
Date: March 11, 2015, 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” entitled Debunking the Myths of Teaching about Turkey with Prof. Yasemin Alptekin and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years.
Place: Billings Middle School (West Hall)
Information: https://www.world-affairs.org/calendarevent/educator-workshop-debunking-myths-teaching-turkey/
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Date: March 10-13, 2015
Seminar: Seminars about the history of Turkish Music by Prof. Dr. Tolgahan Çoğulu
Place: National University of Singapore
Tolgahan Çoğulu is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Date: March 14, 2015
Concert: Guitar concert by Prof. Dr. Tolgahan Çoğulu with the National University of Singapore Guitar Ensemble
Place: National University of Singapore
Tolgahan Çoğulu is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Bozeman, MT - USA
Date: March 14, 2015, 8:45am - 3:30pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” with Prof. James Meyer and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years. Paper marbling and carpet demonstrations are part of the program.
Place: Bozeman Public Libarary, Small Meeting Room
Information:  http://www.montanaworldaffairs.org/teacher-workshops/
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Date: March 16, 2015 4:30 - 7:30 pm
Event: "Teacher Workshop on Turkey" entitled Bridge Between East and West with Prof. Ayselin Yildiz and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years.
Place: Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3, 425 Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA
Information: http://www.worldpittsburgh.org/programsCalendarListDetail.jsp?restrictids=nu_repeatitemid&restrictvalues=0500280840951424765531312
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the "Spotlight on Turkey" national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: March 19, 2015, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
TCF Istanbul Lecture Series, Panel: Mübadele: Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece
“The Cultural Aspects of the Livelihoods of the Exchanged Greek Refugees” by Prof. Dr. Evangelia Balta (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
"The eternal longing for the roots: The culture and traditions of the Turkish-Cretan and Greek Refugees after the exchange" by İpek Özel (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Place: TCF Istanbul Office
Information: http://www.turkishculturalfoundation.org/lectures.php?ID=1
Lecture will be presented in English.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: March 24, 2015, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
TCF Istanbul Lecture Series: “Harvard Üniversitesi - Koç Üniversitesi - TCF Osmanlı Yaz Okulu: Kuruluşu ve Günümüze kadar Faaliyetleri” (From Past to Present: The Activities of the Ottoman Summer School of Harvard University-Koc University - TCF) by Prof. Dr. Gönül Tekin (Ottoman Studies Foundation)
Place: TCF Istanbul Office
Information: http://www.turkishculturalfoundation.org/lectures.php?ID=1
Lecture will be presented in Turkish.

Houston, TX - USA
Date: March 27-29, 2015
Festival: 3rd Houston Turkish Film Festival
Place: The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Texas
Information: http://www.mfah.org/films/series/46/
This event is supported by a grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

Washington, DC - USA
Date: March 28, 2015, 8:45am - 2:30pm
Event: “Teacher Workshop on Turkey” entitled Where East Meets West with experts on Turkey and the area teachers who participated in the Study Tours in previous years.
Place: The University of Phoenix
Information: https://www.worldaffairsdc.org/ForEducator_ProfDevlopProgs.aspx
This program is sponsored by TCF and organized as part of the “Spotlight on Turkey” national educational program partnership with the World Affairs Councils of America.

The events listed on this newsletter require registration or invitation. For more information on how to attend, please visit the provided links.

For a listing of Turkish cultural events around the world, visit the TCF Calendar.

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